All arrangements © A Reasonable Facsimile
2021 "Halftime" music:

Chi passa per sta strada-Filippo
Azzaiollo, 1557 (voices, bones, guitar)
"Who passes this way and does not sigh for the love of a lady
is lucky indeed. Fa la li le la!"
Ti parti
cor mio caro/Saltarello Torza-Filippo Azzaiollo, 1557/Anon., ca.
1560 (dulcimer, hurdy gurdy)
latrose-Adrian Willaert, 1545 (crumhorns)
Canzonet: El Grillo-Thomas
Morley, 1595 (fifes)
Onder de Linde groene-Jacob
van Eyck, 1649 (recorder, guitar)
Old Mole-John Playford, 1651 (whistle, guitar)
Also watch the rest of the video with the headlining performers, the
wonderful North Oakland Dixieland Band!
NOCB Dixie Band
2020 Parking Lot performance at library, selection:

Fairie Round