For Senior Residences, Libraries, Churches, Retails,
Community Education Classes, etc.

Catharine on viola da gamba, Jenni
and Anne on recorders
is a trio of ladies who sing Medieval and Renaissance songs. In
addition to singing, the members of Canzonet play
Renaissance instruments including recorders, viola da gamba, flute,
gittern and percussion. Canzonet takes its name
from a 1593 publication by Thomas Morley: Canzonets, or Little Short
Songs to Three Voyces.
presents general concerts of Medieval and Renaissance music from
years circa 1450-1610 by English and European composers.
Jennifer Burke, Anne Burns and Catharine Langmuir
have shared their music at the Michigan Renaissance Festival, Whole
Foods Markets and Barnes and Noble Bookstore as well as at senior
residences in the area.
For the holidays, Canzonet offers
a selection of early Christmas carols in Latin, German and English:
and Renaissance Carols
Instruments of the Renaissance

Burns demonstrates replicas of Renaissance instruments:
flute, crumhorn, shawm, fife, drum, recorder, lute, gittern and
more (sometimes playing two things at once!). She plays a suitable
tune on each instrument after telling a little about its history.
Audiences enjoy hearing instruments from the time
of Shakespeare, Galileo and Leonardo. The Renaissance was a great
time for innovation, and an array of musical instruments were developed.
Many of these instruments are rarely seen today.
Anne Burns has played for events
in Michigan, and with her husband Rob Burns (as the duo A Reasonable
Facsimile) she has performed in Ohio, Indiana, Wisconsin, Pennsylvania,
Texas, Massachusetts and the upper and lower peninsulas of Michigan.
Anne also performs a program of Old-Fashioned
Christmas Carols.