All programs feature replica Renaissance instruments
and commentary about the instruments and music selections.
Anne & Rob Burns as A Reasonable Facsimile present
Musical Production For Children and Families

When it takes a village to wash a dog...
In this Renaissance “soap opera,” Anne
and Rob share songs of various village folk, each of
whom encounters the same bar of soap escaped from their dog's
washtub. Rob and Anne sing and play songs from
old England and Europe on copies of period instruments as they
act the parts of town musicians Nan and Robin Piper, and others.
Children learn about Renaissance village life and participate
in the songs and action.
A Reasonable Facsimile's "The
Soap That Got Away" has been seen by hundreds of children,
and appreciated by grownups, too! A children's librarian wrote:
“Your program was enjoyable for any age.
I felt the audience was really into your program. You communicated
well with the children. Watching the reaction of the various ages
I felt the adults enjoyed it as well. I rate your program wonderful!
Thank you for coming to our library.”
A Concert for General

All Together!
The program title, "Tootle Ensemble,"
is a play on the French "tout l'ensemble," which means
"all together." Anne & Rob Burns,
the duo A Reasonable Facsimile, toot together
on many instruments, including recorder, flute, crumhorn, shawm
and bagpipe, along with string and percussion instruments. Anne
and Rob have collected these instruments for years. They
play lively dance music and songs from Renaissance England and
Europe in various instrumental combinations.