
Concerts, Festivals, Lecture Demonstrations, Music for Plays

Rinascenza! Italian Renaissance Music

Revel in the Renaissance! A Taste of Earlier Times Through Music

Echoes of Colonial Michigan

Fairs and Festivals

Pirate-y and Nautical Shows

Music for Plays

Past Performances

Rinascenza! Italian Renaissance Music

A Reasonable Facsimile was pleased to be asked to give a series of performances at "Weekends at Two" for the Detroit Institute of Arts during Magnificenza! the exhibit of Italian Renaissance art during the spring of 2003. During the course of nine Saturday presentations, a new program, Rinascenza! (complete with an exclamation point!) evolved. This program is now available as a concert or lecture demonstration. In addition to the DIA performances, Rinascenza! has been presented at the Rochester Hills (Michigan) Public Library, for Oakland University's International Faculty Reception, on the Ann Arbor (Michigan) Academy of Early Music Concert Series, for the Paint Creek Folklore Society in Rochester, Michigan, and for the Older Persons Commission, also in Rochester, Michigan.

For Rinascenza! Anne and Rob play tamburo (drum), fiffaro (fife), pifarro (shawm), chitarrino (guitar), corno torto (crumhorn), flauto dolce (recorder), lauto (lute), lira tedesca (hurdy gurdy), piva (small bagpipe), viola da gamba (viola da gamba), and other instruments on festive compositions by Azzaiolo, Mainerio, Gastoldi, Caroso, Dalza and others.